Electronic Waste


                                                                          We live in 21st century. With development of  the technology today humans are capable of doing thing that were impossible in the past. But this development cause earth to face many troubles. Today the whole world depends on electricity and most of the people use electronic devices. These  devices help us to make our day to day activities easy. Computers, mobile phones, refrigerators, televisions and cameras are some of the electronic devices that most of the people use in their day to day life. So what is electronic waste? First of all we need to know the definition.
                                                                                  Electronic waste describes means discarded and useless electronic devices. In the developed countries this electronic waste has become a serious health problem as some electronic components include heavy metals like cadmium and beryllium. These metals cause many deceases such as liver problems. Even in the developed countries the recycling process of the electronics can be harmful for the workers and the community. People should take a great care in exposing the ashes and gases to the outer world. Some electronic devices are made for resale and recycle but some are very hard to recycle.CRT (cathode ray tubes) is one of the hardest electronic components that is very hard to recycle. That is a one of the reasons to reduce making CRT.

Present situation of electronic waste
Today number of people has electronic devices in their hand. The technology changes rapidly. Probably the main reason for this electronic waste is not the progressive demand to the electronic devices. Today we can found lots of cheap priced electronic devices in the market. Durability of these products is very low. People in the developing countries are lack of buying expensive quality products. This thing cause to increase the amount of obsolete electronic devices in the world. In the US, they scrap about 400 million units per year of consumer electronics, according to recycling industry experts. 

Electronics are designed to dump

E-waste is the fastest growing section of the wasting. That is because we are buying new items for a cheap price. Nowadays the companies make electronic devices to dump not to recycle as it is more profitable than recycling. People are buying new devices because of few reasons.
1. Hardware upgrades
Most of the companies give inexpensive device updates for their customers. So people do not use their old hardware items. They buy new thing. As an example in the mobile phone industry this happens mostly.

2.Hardware failures
Some electronic devices fail in sometimes even they are high quality products .A recent report from Square Trade (an electronics warranty service company) shows that 24% laptops will fail in the first three years due to hardware malfunctions.

3. New technologies
Technology changes rapidly. A simple example is the evolution of TV. Few years ago people used to watch analog televisions. But with the rising of the digital technologies people moved to the digital televisions and the old were obsolete.

We are the new generation and it is our responsible to save the world to the future,Otherwise one day our earth will be extinct.

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